Church Planters
Beloved, in the January Executive Board meeting, we agreed to enter into a partnership with the following church planters:


*Nathan Brock and Daniel Williams, Redemption Church Utah (Cecilia Baptist WMU has begun ministry to Nathan and Daniel of Redemption Church North Davis) (

*Michael Cooper, Pastor at ValleyLight Church



*Danny Torres, Swerve Church, Brooklyn NY. (


The Missions Development Team believes that entering these partnerships will allow you to equip, train, and develop missions and church planting with your churches. This avenue would give your church an opportunity to grow in this area of ministry. The team and I would assist your church in this development of partnership. The overview of the partnership is as follows:

1. Long-term (3 to 5 years) involving prayer, encouragement, financial, and short-term mission teams.

2. Multiple teams per year if needed and able.

3. Gospel Centered.

4. Let the church planter set and determine strategy and needs.

5. Be a Servant.