LAB Executive Board Meeting
6:30 PM, Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Section 1: There shall be an Executive Board of this Association which shall have charge of the work of the Association between annual sessions. This Board shall be composed of the pastor of each church, or pastor’s designee, and one lay member duly elected by each church, the pastor of any mission of a cooperating church, the associational officers listed in Section 1 of Article IV, the AMS, and the chief officer of each organization of the Association.
- Call to Order – Pastor, Silas Session Sr., LAB Recovery Team Leader, Moderator
- Scripture and Prayer – Faron Knopp, Pastor, Mill Creek, Vice-Moderator
- Welcome and recognition of new pastors, staff, new messengers, and guests, Pastor Session
- Review and approve minutes from previous meetings, Pastor Session (Page 6-7)
- Financial Report – Marlene Hall Page 8)(Additional reports Page 16-19)
- AMS report (Page 8-12)
- Reports – Trustee, Camp Schafer (Page 13), BCM (Page 14-15
) Recovering Ministry, Audit Team, Unscheduled reports.
- Previous Business
- New Business
- Praises of what God is doing among either your respective ministries or your personal life. Prayer Requests you might have so we can join with you in prayer.
- Motion to adjourn and closing prayer, Pastor Knopp.
The Association is a fellowship of New Testament Southern Baptist churches which voluntarily associate themselves with each other as one way to express their covenant relationship as the people of God, to advance the work of His kingdom under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
This body shall be known as the Lincoln Association of Baptists.
Section 1: The membership of this Association shall be composed of messengers representing cooperating Baptist churches whose doctrinal beliefs and practices conform to the recent BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention. These churches’ pastors shall be Southern Baptist in theology and practice.
Section 2: A cooperating church shall continue to be defined as a church which is a bona fide (sincere) financial contributor to the work and ministry of the association. Additionally, a cooperating church will endeavor to complete and return the Annual Church Profile to the association. Any church that fails to fulfill these two defining characteristics for two consecutive years will be considered inactive. If an inactive church begins cooperating again within the third year (within the year of being considered inactive), that church will be considered active and cooperating. If, after being considered inactive for a year (a total of three years being uncooperative), there has been no cooperation, that church shall not be considered a part of the association any longer.
Section 3: Each church shall be entitled to send two messengers and one additional messenger for each fifty (50) members or major fraction thereof, and no church shall be entitled to more than fifteen (15) messengers.
Section 4: Any church desiring to unite with this body shall petition the Association for recognition and shall present the Annual Church Profile (ACP). The Missions Development Team shall investigate and make appropriate recommendation to the Association.
Section 5: This Association reserves the right to reject messengers from any church which shows itself to be unorthodox in faith or practice according to ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, or which willfully and persistently creates discord by refusing to comply with this Constitution.
Section 1: The purpose of this Association shall be to assist the churches to implement the Great Commission by:
- Promoting inter-church fellowship.
- Strengthening our oneness in faith and practice.
- Disseminating information in an effort to inspire our churches regarding the work within the Association and within the whole denomination.
- Helping the churches do together those things which they cannot effectively do themselves.
Section 2: This body shall exercise no legislative or judicial authority over any church, nor shall it have ecclesiastical power over the internal affairs of any church.
Section 1: The officers of this Association shall be moderator, vice moderator, and clerk. These officers shall serve on the Executive Board in the same capacity. They shall be elected annually at the annual meeting and begin serving thereafter. The term of office for the moderator and vice-moderator is limited to two consecutive years, and a person shall not be eligible for re-election until at least one year has elapsed from the time a successor is named. The clerk shall serve until the clerk’s successor is duly installed.
Section 2: Their duties shall be such as are common to the same officers in similar organizations, and as defined by the Association.
Section 1: There shall be an Executive Board of this Association which shall have charge of the work of the Association between annual sessions. This Board shall be composed of the pastor of each church, or pastor’s designee, and one lay member duly elected by each church, the pastor of any mission of a cooperating church, the associational officers listed in Section 1 of Article IV, the DOM, and the chief officer of each organization of the Association.
Section 2: The Association shall elect a three-member Board of Trustees, according to the Articles of Incorporation on file with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Section 3: The Association and the Executive Board shall have such regular and special teams as needed in executing their work.
Section 4: Team leaders shall have voting privilege at Executive Board Meetings. Team members are invited to attend as non-voting members.
Section 1: The affiliated churches shall furnish annually to the Association the information requested by the Annual Church Profile (ACP.)
Section 2: The AMS and each team and organization of the Association shall submit an annual report.
Section 1: The Association shall meet annually at such place and time as selected by majority vote of the messengers.
Section 2: In case of an emergency requiring a special session, or a change of date or place of the annual meeting, the Executive Board may take such action.
The minutes of the annual meeting of this Association, together with such information as may be useful, shall be published and distributed annually among the churches of the Association.
This Constitution allows for By-Laws and Job Descriptions of all employees, officers, teams, and organizations.
The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of messengers present and voting at any regular annual meeting, provided that such proposed amendments have been submitted in writing at the preceding annual meeting.
All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with the Bible and Robert’s Rules of order (latest edition). A simple majority of those voting in any regularly announced meeting shall be valid.
The Nominating team shall nominate to the Association or the Executive Board the members of existing teams and leaders. The Nominating Team shall be named by the Moderator.
Between annual sessions of the Association, vacancies in the office of moderator, vice-moderator, or paid full time personnel and ministerial staff shall be filled by the Executive Board. Part-time personnel may be filled by either the Association Mission Strategist, and/or the Personnel Team.
Election of officers shall be conducted during the annual session. The Nominating Team shall nominate other offices and team members. Upon a majority vote, they will take office following the annual meeting. If two or more candidates for any position are proposed, voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. Should there be more than two (2) candidates and none received a majority, there will be a run-off to determine the winner. The run-off would be between the two (2) candidates receiving the largest number of votes in the first ballot. Only the one(s) receiving the greatest number of votes will be announced (or run-off candidates) to the annual meeting. A team will be appointed for the purpose of counting and recording the votes. The persons receiving a majority of votes shall be declared elected.
The Trustees are authorized to hold, purchase, and receive title to real estate and other property by devise, gift, grant or other conveyance, with power to mortgage and to borrow money, sell or convey the same or any part, parcel or portion thereof, when so directed by the Association, except in an emergency the Stewardship Team shall recommend to the Executive Board that trustees be authorized to borrow money to cover previously approved budget authorization.
The Association and Executive Board shall have regular and special teams as needed to execute their work.
These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board of the Association present and voting providing the membership of the Executive Board has been notified in writing of such suggested change thirty (30) days prior to the vote.
LAB Executive Board Meeting Minutes
6:30 PM, Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Section 1: There shall be an Executive Board of this Association which shall have charge of the work of the Association between annual sessions. This Board shall be composed of the pastor of each church, or pastor’s designee, and one lay member duly elected by each church, the pastor of any mission of a cooperating church, the associational officers listed in Section 1 of Article IV, the AMS, and the chief officer of each organization of the Association.
- Call to Order at 6:30pm
- Pastor, Silas Session Sr., LAB Recovery Team Leader, Moderator
- Scripture and Prayer
- Faron Knopp, Pastor, Mill Creek, Vice-Moderator
- Psalms 23
- Welcome and recognition of new pastors, staff, new messengers, and guests, Pastor Session
- Tom Watkins – Colesburg
- Rick Newberry – Blueball
- Debby Duda – Northside
- Review and approve minutes from previous meetings, Pastor Session (Pages 6-7)
- Noted a couple spelling errors.
- Motion to accept minutes, with the noted changes to be made, by Randy Logsdon – Berean
- Seconded by David Akers – Cecilia
- All in favor, no opposed
- Financial Report – Marlene Hall (Page 14-17)
- No Questions
- AMS report (Pages 7-11) – Shawn Edwards
- Trustees decision on 9 acre lot – No questions
- Personnel Team – Make corrected changes to the Sick leave and personal days policy.
- Let’s Hope – Updates
- Missions highlights – Salt Lake City, New York, etc.
- Upcoming Dates – Thursday, Share Jesus Training at LAB and Sunday night association wide prayer meeting.
- Reports, Trustee, Personnel, Camp Schafer, Recovering Ministry, The Dudas, unscheduled reports (Pages 12-13)
- Camp Schafer – Josh Looten – Tunnel Hill
- Went over dates, theme, etc.
- Pray about being a camp counselor
- Camp Schafer – Josh Looten – Tunnel Hill
- Discussed Christian Church bringing children and youth – got blessing from group
- Recovery – Silas Sessions
- Looking for resources – local recovery groups to help share resources with.
- Marriage Tune-up – Debby Duda – Northside
- Local Marriage conference.
- Informative meeting Feb. 1st – Price from February 1-14 is $50, the 15th on will be $60.
Motion to approve reports made by Josh Looten – Tunnel Hill
Seconded by David Akers – Cecilia
All in favor, no opposed.
- Previous Business
- No New Business
- New Business
- Clarity Solutions Lunch – Josh Looten – Tunnel Hill
- Praises of what God is doing among either your respective ministries or your personal life. Prayer Requests you might have so we can join with you in prayer.
- Motion to adjourn and closing prayer, Pastor Knopp.
- Closed at 7:36pm
I trust that your new year is off to a great beginning! Please review the following report. Steadfast Baptist, Hodgenville, will host our 2024 Annual Meeting on September 22, 4:30-6:30. Magnolia Baptist will be our alternate location. Dr. Shane Garrison will be our speaker, and Jason “Bubba” Stewart will be our musician.
The Trustees are authorized to hold, purchase, and receive title to real estate and other property by devise, gift, grant, or other conveyance, with power to mortgage and to borrow money, sell or convey the same or any part, parcel, or portion thereof when so directed by the Association, except in an emergency the Stewardship Team shall recommend to the Executive Board that trustees be authorized to borrow money to cover previously approved budget authorization.
“The Trustees have met regarding selling portions of the 9.4 acres of the ministry center property. The Association has not utilized this property but has maintained it annually for over 30 years. The Trustees desired to seek God’s guidance to be better stewards of His property. Therefore, having devoted this matter to prayer, the Trustees recommend contacting a surveyor and the city for advice. The expenses will come from the building maintenance account. They will update us.”
Update for April Executive Board: The trustees met with city officials to discuss options, including zoning, and met with a real estate appraiser to discuss options for the property.
To: Members of Lincoln Association of Baptist
From: Audit Committee – Peggy Larue, Judith Cartwright, Blake Williams
We have reviewed the financial data for Lincoln Association, fiscal year beginning January 2023 thru December 2023. Our team performed the following analysis:
- We reviewed payments made during this time to verify accuracy with invoices to payments made.
- We verified each deposit made to ensure accuracy with the association’s records and what was given.
- We reviewed monthly bank statements and compared to internal accounting to verify the accuracy of records kept.
It is the opinion of the audit committee that all transactions reviewed for this time period were handled appropriately, no discrepancies were noted for this time period.
The LAB hosts a monthly Griefshare Ministry for widows. The next one will be April 18, 5:00 pm.
The Multi-Church Revival Services: I appreciate Stithton Baptist hosting these services. God blessed us with great sermons and inspirational music and faithful testimonials. Seeds were planted in many hearts. We are prayerfully considering a fall revival and discussing pulpit exchanges for quarterly services.
Multi-Church Revival Highlights: Here is a youtube link and a file download for Highlights of this week’s revival if any churches want to show it to their congregation this week:
Chile Partnership: I will attend a KBC meeting in May to consider a partnership with Chile prayerfully. I will keep you updated. A vision trip is scheduled for Oct.8-15. Let me know if you sense God’s leading to serve.
The partnership with Church Planters:
Nathan Brock and Daniel Williams, Redemption Church Utah
*Michael Cooper, Pastor at ValleyLight Church
*Danny Torres, Swerve Church, Brooklyn, NY, is progressing. Please follow our LAB Facebook page to see the ministries of the planters. Several churches are either contacting them or praying about a partnership with them.
We believe entering these partnerships will allow you to equip, train, and develop missions and church planting with your churches. This avenue would allow your church to grow in this area of ministry. The team and I would assist your church in developing this partnership. The overview of the partnership is as follows:
- Long-term (3 to 5 years) involving prayer, encouragement, financial, and short-term mission teams.
- Multiple teams per year if needed and able.
- Gospel Centered.
- Let the church planter set and determine strategy and needs.
- Be a Servant.
Camp Schafer Lodge Update:
Here are the pictures of the proposed lodge. We are having a 75-year celebration for Schafer Baptist Camp on August 3, 2024, 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm. We hope to have enough interest and commitment by then to announce a groundbreaking date. Of course, all those in your association are invited to attend the celebration.
I ask that you contact individuals in your association who have attended the camp and ask if they will help support the building of the lodge.
Thank you.
Dr. Nathan A. Whisnant
Daviess-McLean Baptist Association
1003 Scherm Road
Owensboro, KY 42301
(270) 302-9115
The VISION of BCM is to be a place of refuge and Biblical truth and fellowship for students at ECTC. We desire to be God’s hands and feet on campus and to extend the reach of our churches in the area onto campus and into the lives and homes of the students we encounter. Our MISSION is to enable the next generation of pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and church members to do Kingdom work here on Earth.
Nearly every semester we approach ECTC with the mindset of casting a “wide net” to reach across the numerous demographics represented at ECTC and reach as many students with the Gospel as possible. The “ebb and flow” of the campus changes every semester and early on in this semester and even last I noticed our culture begin to shift. I can confidently say that we are recognized across campus as a refuge for students to come and be heard and “loved on” in a spiritual way. The word “intentionality” immediately comes to mind looking at where we are currently. We have a core group pf students and faculty that we minister and pour into every week and that excites me because I understand that true discipleship doesn’t just happen by coincidence, and we want to be intentional at raising up the next generation of missionaries to the campus of ECTC from within!
This last semester (Spring of 2024) BCM provided the opportunity for pastors, staff, and representatives from 12 different churches to lead our devotional time on campus! We also hosted representative from Kentucky Disaster Relief and 2 colleges (UofL and WKU)!
We have started utilizing a voluntary sign in sheet that students can provide info on every week in order to help us stay connected and disciple them. The incentive for the students to provide this info is a prize raffle at the end of each semester containing a study Bible, devotional, and numerous candies and snacks.
We hosted the Campus Ministers from both WKU and UofL in hopes that any of our students that transfer to the other state schools after 2 years at ECTC would already have a connection to the Christian organizations on those respective campuses.
We will be emailing out the Fall 2024 sign up within the next couple of weeks. It fills up incredibly fast as churches have really got on board and understood how cool of an opportunity it is to celebrate Christ on a college campus and evangelize and serve students in the process. We can truly be the hands and feet of Christ on the campus of ECTC and watch as students’ lives are changed and they impact our community and beyond!
We are looking to not only get our students connected in churches in our community, but we are also hoping to get them serving within those churches and other para-church organizations. With that I mind if you have a young adult or college age ministry have the person in charge reach out to me so we can share info and I can get them connected!
We are currently looking for outreach opportunities to plug into throughout the semester!
Tanner Royalty