Executive Board Meetings
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 6:30pm at LAB

LAB Executive Board Meeting

6:30 PM, Tuesday, January 14, 2025



Section 1: There shall be an Executive Board of this Association which shall have charge of the work of the Association between annual sessions. This Board shall be composed of the pastor of each church, or pastor’s designee, and one lay member duly elected by each church, the pastor of any mission of a cooperating church, the associational officers listed in Section 1 of Article IV, the AMS, and the chief officer of each organization of the Association.


  1. Call to Order – Pastor, Faron Knopp, Pastor, Mill Creek, Moderator


  1. Scripture and Prayer – Pastor Chris Workman, Immanuel Baptist, Vice-Moderator


  1. Welcome and recognition of new pastors, staff, new messengers, and guests – Pastor Knopp


  1. Review and approve minutes from previous meetings – Pastor Knopp (Page 6-7)


  1. Financial Report – Marlene Hall

                Profit and Loss (Page 14)


  1. AMS report (Page 8-10)


  1. Reports, Trustees, Camp Schafer, unscheduled team reports

                Stewardship Team Report (Page 10)

                Trustee Report and Recommendations (Page 11-13)


  1. Previous Business


  1. Praises of what God is doing among either your respective ministries or your personal life. Prayer Requests you might have so we can join with you in prayer.


  1. Motion to adjourn and closing prayer – Pastor Workman



 The Association is a fellowship of New Testament Southern Baptist churches which voluntarily associate themselves with each other as one way to express their covenant relationship as the people of God, to advance the work of His kingdom under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.


This body shall be known as the Lincoln Association of Baptists.


Section 1:  The membership of this Association shall be composed of messengers representing cooperating Baptist churches whose doctrinal beliefs and practices conform to the recent BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention. These churches’ pastors shall be Southern Baptist in theology and practice.

Section 2:  A cooperating church shall continue to be defined as a church which is a bona fide (sincere) financial contributor to the work and ministry of the association. Additionally, a cooperating church will endeavor to complete and return the Annual Church Profile to the association. Any church that fails to fulfill these two defining characteristics for two consecutive years will be considered inactive. If an inactive church begins cooperating again within the third year (within the year of being considered inactive), that church will be considered active and cooperating. If, after being considered inactive for a year (a total of three years being uncooperative), there has been no cooperation, that church shall not be considered a part of the association any longer.

Section 3:  Each church shall be entitled to send two messengers and one additional messenger for each fifty (50) members or major fraction thereof, and no church shall be entitled to more than fifteen (15) messengers.

Section 4:  Any church desiring to unite with this body shall petition the Association for recognition and shall present the Annual Church Profile (ACP). The Missions Development Team shall investigate and make appropriate recommendation to the Association.

Section 5:  This Association reserves the right to reject messengers from any church which shows itself to be unorthodox in faith or practice according to ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, or which willfully and persistently creates discord by refusing to comply with this Constitution.


Section 1:  The purpose of this Association shall be to assist the churches to implement the Great Commission by:

  1. Promoting inter-church fellowship.
  2. Strengthening our oneness in faith and practice.
  3. Disseminating information in an effort to inspire our churches regarding the work within the Association and within the whole denomination.
  4. Helping the churches do together those things which they cannot effectively do themselves.

Section 2: This body shall exercise no legislative or judicial authority over any church, nor shall it have ecclesiastical power over the internal affairs of any church. 


Section 1:  The officers of this Association shall be moderator, vice moderator, and clerk.  These officers shall serve on the Executive Board in the same capacity.  They shall be elected annually at the annual meeting and begin serving thereafter.  The term of office for the moderator and vice-moderator is limited to two consecutive years, and a person shall not be eligible for re-election until at least one year has elapsed from the time a successor is named.  The clerk shall serve until the clerk’s successor is duly installed.

Section 2:  Their duties shall be such as are common to the same officers in similar organizations, and as defined by the Association.


Section 1: There shall be an Executive Board of this Association which shall have charge of the work of the Association between annual sessions.  This Board shall be composed of the pastor of each church, or pastor’s designee, and one lay member duly elected by each church, the pastor of any mission of a cooperating church, the associational officers listed in Section 1 of Article IV, the DOM, and the chief officer of each organization of the Association.

Section 2: The Association shall elect a three-member Board of Trustees, according to the Articles of Incorporation on file with the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Section 3:  The Association and the Executive Board shall have such regular and special teams as needed in executing their work.

Section 4: Team leaders shall have voting privilege at Executive Board Meetings. Team members are invited to attend as non-voting members.


Section 1:  The affiliated churches shall furnish annually to the Association the information requested by the Annual Church Profile (ACP.)

Section 2:  The AMS and each team and organization of the Association shall submit an annual report.


Section 1:  The Association shall meet annually at such place and time as selected by majority vote of the messengers.

Section 2:  In case of an emergency requiring a special session, or a change of date or place of the annual meeting, the Executive Board may take such action.


The minutes of the annual meeting of this Association, together with such information as may be useful, shall be published and distributed annually among the churches of the Association.


This Constitution allows for By-Laws and Job Descriptions of all employees, officers, teams, and organizations.


The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of messengers present and voting at any regular annual meeting, provided that such proposed amendments have been submitted in writing at the preceding annual meeting.



All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with the Bible and Robert’s Rules of order (latest edition).  A simple majority of those voting in any regularly announced meeting shall be valid.


The Nominating team shall nominate to the Association or the Executive Board the members of existing teams and leaders.  The Nominating Team shall be named by the Moderator.


Between annual sessions of the Association, vacancies in the office of moderator, vice-moderator, or paid full time personnel and ministerial staff shall be filled by the Executive Board.  Part-time personnel may be filled by either the Association Mission Strategist, and/or the Personnel Team.

Election of officers shall be conducted during the annual session. The Nominating Team shall nominate other offices and team members. Upon a majority vote, they will take office following the annual meeting. If two or more candidates for any position are proposed, voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. Should there be more than two (2) candidates and none received a majority, there will be a run-off to determine the winner. The run-off would be between the two (2) candidates receiving the largest number of votes in the first ballot.  Only the one(s) receiving the greatest number of votes will be announced (or run-off candidates) to the annual meeting. A team will be appointed for the purpose of counting and recording the votes. The persons receiving a majority of votes shall be declared elected.


The Trustees are authorized to hold, purchase, and receive title to real estate and other property by devise, gift, grant or other conveyance, with power to mortgage and to borrow money, sell or convey the same or any part, parcel or portion thereof, when so directed by the Association, except in an emergency the Stewardship Team shall recommend to the Executive Board that trustees be authorized to borrow money to cover previously approved budget authorization.


The Association and Executive Board shall have regular and special teams as needed to execute their work.


These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board of the Association present and voting providing the membership of the Executive Board has been notified in writing of such suggested change thirty (30) days prior to the vote.


Association Meeting Minutes

September 22, 2024


Welcome-Mark Terrance-Magnolia Baptist Church 


Singing-Dr. Tony Cuhna-Campbellsville University

Scripture-Glenn Metcalf-Phil 1:27-30-Prayer


Prayer-Tommy Turner-Magnolia Baptist Church 


Meeting Called to Order-Silas Session-4:46pm

Motion-Josh Looten THBC

2nd Northside Baptist-David Smith


Motion to Adopt Program as Presented

Randy Logsdon-Berean Baptist

2nd Glen Metcalf-New Horizon


Recognition of New Churches and Staff-Shawn Edwards

12 Stones-Kenny Rager


AMS Report-Shawn Edwards


Singing-Dr Tony Cuhna-Campbellsville University


Written Reports-Silas Sessions


Camp Schafer Report-Josh Looten/Chris Mills-Youth

Austin and Brooklynne Stillwell-Kids


BCM-Josh Looten


Recovery Ministry-Silas Sessions


Profit and Loss-Marlene 


Budget-Maura Kertz

Motion to Accept Budget-Maura Hertz


Nominating-Paul Larue

Motion to Accept


Trustee Property Recommendation-Shawn Edwards



Josh Looten-THBC asked about voting or just the trustees decision.

Shawn Edwards stated Trustees but it will be transparent.

Motion to Adopt Trustee Property-Shawn Edwards


Motion to Accept Written Reports as Given-Silas Sessions

Josh Looten-Tunnel Hill

2nd Dave Duda-Northside


Adjourned for Intermission 5:34pm


Back to Order after Intermission-Silas Sessions-6:00pm


Singing-Dr Tony Cahuna-CU


Bringing of the Message-Dr Shane Garrison-Phil 1


David Smith called to front

Calls Shawn and Vivienne to front with him

Expressed Appreciation to Dr Edwards from Pastors of LAB by presenting and envelope with money in it. (Unknown Amount)


Motion to Adjourn-Faron Knopp

Chris Mills-Tunnel Hill

2nd Josh Looten-Tunnel Hill



Closing Prayer-Faron Knopp


AMS January 14, 2025, Executive Board Report

I am humbled to serve as your Associational Mission Strategist. I appreciate your trust in me over the past seven years. I appreciate you and your ministries. I have enjoyed participating in your worship services, ministries, and fellowships these past 7.5 years. I hope churches grant pastors and staff time away (in addition to Vacation time), perhaps as a gift for Clergy Appreciation Month. Churches, remember to pray and encourage your pastor and staff.

12 Stones Baptist will host our 2025 annual meeting on September 28, 4:30-6:30, with Immanuel Baptist serving as an alternate. We are honored to have Dr. Mark Dance as our speaker for this significant event.

Please follow our Facebook page to see God’s work among our Salt Lake City Church Planters as well as New York City Planters. As we have discussed, we believe entering these partnerships will allow you to equip, train, and develop missions and church planting with your churches. This avenue would enable your church to grow in this area of ministry. The team and I would assist your church in developing this partnership. The overview of the partnership is as follows: 

  1. Long-term (3 to 5 years) involving prayer, encouragement, financial, and short-term mission teams.
  2. Multiple teams per year if needed and able.

Our approach to these partnerships is firmly rooted in the Gospel. We believe that a Gospel-centered strategy is the most effective way to spread the message of Christ. This is a value we hold dear and one that we are committed to upholding in all our endeavors.

  1. Let the church planter set and determine strategy and needs.
  2. Be a Servant.

Chile Partnership: We have partnered with KBC and IMB to sponsor an in-country liaison in Chile. We have a pastor going there in March. Others are in prayer about going. We are prayerfully considering partnering with IMB missionaries there regarding teaching English as a second language. Volunteers can participate from their home PC.

I will take a team to NAMB for revitalization training in February.

 The LAB hosts a monthly Griefshare Ministry for widows. Contact the LAB office for the next 5:00 pm. Monthly meeting

During October, several of our LAB Churches participated in simultaneous revival services.  These participating churches exchanged pulpits on Sunday evenings for the first three Sunday nights. The final service was at 12 Stones Baptist on October 27 at 6:00.

Your partnership through prayer, participation, and financial support helped us achieve various ministries in the association. Below is a brief overview of your partnership with the others. Through your cooperative partnership, the LAB offers the following:

Hosted KBC staff meetings due to our central location

Hosted weekly ministers’ meetings for prayer and encouragement

Network churches in seeking staff and staff-seeking churches

Trained Pastor Search Teams

Trained Deacons

Participated in conflict resolution between churches and ministerial staff

Represented the LAB in various community events

Network to promote local church ministries

Network and encourage church cooperation

Network to connect churches with church plants

Assisted a church in revitalization

Network churches to partner in revivals

Provided resources for rehab needs

Ministered to churches in crisis

Offered Baptist Campus Ministry at ECTC

Offered Summer Camps for Children and Youth

Provided resources and research for ministers and churches

Served as an advocate for ministerial and support staff as needed. I extend my ministry to them, becoming an encourager in their lives. I have encouraged church leadership to offer these ministers sabbaticals and other benefits to assist them.

Your prayers and financial contributions enable me to provide much-needed support as they navigate the challenges of their ministerial and personal lives.

Thank you for your partnership with the LAB. Your support is not just a contribution, but a vital part of our mission. I am deeply honored to serve as your AMS and look forward to continuing our journey together. Please visit our website and Facebook pages to review how God works among our LAB churches.



To: Executive Board

From: Tracie Oliver, Chair of Stewardship Team

Date: January 9, 2025

Re: LAB Stewardship Care Policy and Procedures

The Stewardship Committee met on November 14, 2024, and developed the Lincoln Association of

Baptist’s Cares Policy and Procedures (LAB Cares) for active/retired pastors and their widows. The

purpose of LAB Cares is to provide available support for temporary financial crises, such as medical

emergencies, sudden job loss/reduction income, natural disasters affecting living conditions, and family

emergencies requiring financial assistance. The team developed the application, review process, support

mechanisms, funding sources and reporting and accountability procedures with the main emphasis of

caring for pastors and their families during difficult times.



The Trustees have met and composed the following covenant with 12 Stones. The Elders of 12 Stones agree with the covenant. Consequently, the Trustees recommend the covenant for your approval. (Recommendation #1)



Parties Involved:

This Covenant is made between:

1 Lincoln Association of Baptists, Inc., (“LAB”) located at 500 College Street Road, Elizabethtown Kentucky

2 Elizabethtown Baptist Church, Inc., d/b/a 12 Stones Baptist Church, (“12 Stones”), located at 1525 North Miles Street, Elizabethtown Kentucky


The purpose of this Covenant is to establish a mutually beneficial agreement regarding the shared use of the property located at 1525 North Miles Street, Elizabethtown Kentucky.

  1. Use of Property:

Both parties agree to the following uses of the property:

  • LAB shall have access to the property for conferences and meetings upon scheduled approval with 12 Stones. One room will be designated as the LAB administrative office.
  • Both parties may use the property for joint events with prior notice and agreement.
  1. Scheduling:

A shared calendar will be maintained to avoid scheduling conflicts. Each party must notify the other at least 7 days in advance for any planned events.

  1. Financial Arrangements: LAB will pay a monthly rent of $1,250, which shall be due on or before the 1st day of the month. The rent payment is inclusive of the following utilities: gas, water, electric, and garbage pickup. LAB will be responsible for its own phone and internet service.
  2. Conflict Resolution:

In the event of a dispute regarding this Covenant, both parties agree to resolve the issue through the following process:

  • A meeting will be held within ___________(      ) days of the dispute arising, using Matthew 18 as a guide.
  • If unresolved, a neutral mediator will be sought.
  1. Duration, Termination and Successors:

This Covenant shall remain in effect for 3 years, commencing on _______________________, and may be renewed upon mutual agreement. Either party may terminate this Covenant with 60 days’ written notice. This Covenant shall be binding on the parties and their respective successors and assigns. 

  1. Amendments:

Any amendments to this Covenant must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

  1. Legal Compliance:

Both parties agree to comply with all local laws and regulations relevant to property use and maintenance.


By signing below, the representatives of both parties agree to the terms of this Covenant.


Lincoln Association of Baptists, Inc.
Date: ___________


Elizabethtown Baptist Church, Inc., d/b/a 12 Stones Baptist Church,  
Date: ___________

  1. Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief has borrowed and used our chainsaw trailer. The Trustees have met and believe that it would be better stewardship of that resource to donate it to the Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief Ministry. (Recommendation #2)


  1. The Trustees are seeking bids from interested buyers with details of how the property may be used by the buyer. We will update you on this process.